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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Local elementary kids discover where Hope Grows

In partnership with the Georgia Southern Botanical Gardens and local elementary schools (5 of them in Bulloch County), we've been spending the afternoons this week doing farm education and discovery workshops with anywhere from 20 to 40 students from Pre-K through the 6th grade. It's injected the kind of energy and enthusiasm to farm life you just don't get with the older crowd (i.e. college students). Granted, we love giving tours and educating folks about what we do--but there's something about seeing a kid get infectiously happy about seeing spinach growing or a chicken laying an egg. They yell. They jump up and down. Their heart seems to be in it just as much as ours is.

We learned about combs, waddles, and how a chicken's feet feel...

Peeking in the chicken pen...

Feeding pecans to the pigs...which mostly looks like throwing pecans at the pigs. They don't mind, I guess.


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